I found this title in a Tommy Tenney book, It seemed right because I demonstrate very little dignity. Whether it's deity (God) that reigns in my life is a matter that is sometimes questionable. This is basically where I put my opinions.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Presidential lies
With Mr. Clinton, our country showed that we expect politicians to lie to us. Democrats, you wouldn't let us get rid of Clinton for lying. Your side won. There is a new law in Washington. Our Chief Executive lying to us is now OK. Those are the rules. You made them. And now you're whining because you don't like them. Oh, well. Sorry. We didn't like them either.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Death with Dignity
I don't know if I would have started watching "House" if it hadn't been for that first episode. I had recorded it. When I couldn't sleep, I got up and watched it over and over. My reaction to it was really strange. I felt comforted, fathered. Isn't that wierd. I seem to think that it was right before Christmas, though it might have been in the summer. Whenever. I was hurting. I couldn't tell anybody how or why because I didn't understand myself. The fictional Dr. Greg House, who reminds me a lot of my grandfather, in that program said something that I wanted to hear over and over. You don't die with dignity. To paraphrase: Whether you're 6 or 60, death is always painful and messy; but it's never dignified. You live with dignity, not die with it. I needed to hear that. No matter how much I plot and plan to take my own life with as little pain as possible, every way is gonna be horrible. It probably won't be clean and antiseptic. I'm no Marilyn Monroe. Swallowing so many pills so fast always makes me want to puke whether or not that has anything to do with the chemical composition of the pills. I can just picture waking up in the hospital and being told how somebody found me lying in my own vomit. Disgusting. There's an image you don't forget. Sex is good. Death is bad. That's why God made our bodies such that they really enjoy sex and really don't enjoy death.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Letterman vs. O'Reilly - Coming Conflict
Last night, I turned on the TV just before West Wing and heard something on Dateline that was disturbing to me. A reporter was talking about the most talked about subjects in the blogosphere (or whatever you call it). He briefly cited a couple of political issues and then seemed to center in on a recent meeting between Bill O'Reilly and David Letterman. This reporter said things that I found to be very offensive. He made a point about pluralism that didn't even come up between Letterman and O'Reilly. He seemed to say that I could respond on www.dateline.msnbc.com. I thought this might be better, though. Christmas is essentially a Christian holiday. To take Christ out of it is intolerant of our religion. It's like my observing Hannukah, but demanding that the observance of Hannukah be changed to accommodate me. I mean, Muslims and Buddhists and whoever else don't have to celebrate Christmas. It is, after all, a Christian holiday. I would understand if they didn't want to. But, they don't have the right to try and change the day we celebrate the coming of the Christ to suit their tastes.
I don't generally watch Letterman. I find him kind of stupid. Neither he nor Leno would know good interview technique if it crawled up and bit them. I did find a recording of the interview, however. I transcribed some little bits of it.
"Our first guest is the host of cable television's #1 news program, the O'Reilly Factor. It can be seen 5 nights a week on FOX News."
Would it not seem reasonable that maybe spending a lot of time insulting and basically calling stupid the host of cable television's #1 news program would be found to be very insulting to a large portion of the country, ya know, the people who make him the #1 news program? Did you think that by making fun of him, you would somehow bring us to our senses? I know you all don't agree, but we believe we have very good reasons for the things that we believe. Calling our leader, and thereby calling us, stupid is not productive. It's not really very bright.
I wasn't aware that this had happened.
You weren't aware of the big, giant controversy over Christmas.
You know, I rarely listen to Bill O'Reilly; but I've heard a lot about this issue this year. I guess I probably heard it on Christian radio. When, he calls it a big, giant controversy, that might be a slight exaggeration. I had been hearing a lot about this, though. How did Dave miss it?
Well, I ignore stuff like that. It doesn't really affect me. I go ahead and do what I want to do.
Do you remember the book 1984? Remember Newspeak, wasn't that what they called it? Orwell made the point so well that by changing the language and history of a culture, you change the thoughts that people in that culture can think. You manipulate them on a grand scale. Here in Arkansas, I was sent to something called Governor's School that Mr. Clinton started when he was our Governor. There, if I wasn't neurotic enough already, I learned that I was responsible for protecting the world from its own blindness and stupidity when it comes to subtle things like this. I'm nobody. I'm disabled. I can't even keep a job. Mr. Letterman is on national TV. If I'm responsible, then why does Mr. Letterman get to "ignore stuff like that. It doesn't really affect me. I go ahead and do what I want to do."
Ridgefield Elementary in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. The song, "Silent Night," knocked out the words Winter winds whine and bite How I wish I was happy and warm, safe with my family, out of the storm." They replaced the words to "Silent Night" with that.I hear that everyone is calling this a crock just because Mr. O'Reilly didn't explain why they replaced the words, that it was supposedly to facilitate the telling of a story about a little evergreen tree. Why does everybody tell the story of little snowmen and evergreen trees and just absolutely anything besides the unbelievable condescension of the Savior of the world that this Christian holiday is expressly designed to celebrate. Even my 17-year-old non-Christian nephew couldn't understand it this Christmas. His sisters' Christmas program was real cute and all but, he said, what does this have to do with Christmas? He was raised in the church. He knew the story they were supposed to be telling. That was the story he wanted to hear.
Now with all due respect, I even think the Baby Jesus would say, "Give me a break, yah know."
Bill, don't put words in Jesus' mouth. I think there's a verse or two about him takin' a real dim view of that. I could be wrong, but since I'm pickin' apart every word here anyway . . .
I mean, but isn't this the kind of thing where, like, once or twice every twenty years somebody gets outraged, and says, 'Oh, by God, we gotta put diapers on horses.' Isn't it just about . . . So what, let it go. It'll take care of itself.
Dave, do you live in the same world I do? I've been hearin' stuff like this for years and years. Bill O'Reilly is a relatively new guy on the scene. Marlin Maddox passed away a year or so ago, but he'd been tellin' stories like this forever.
Here's why it gets to be more than that. In court, there are lawsuits. Plano, TX. Another grammar school. The kids were told not to bring in any Christmas colors, like napkins that are red and green. That's in court. That's being litigated.
I know that there is a fight to be fought. I know that grammar school children make great copy, good sympathetic victims. We care about these issues in a grammar school, when we should care about them everywhere else. But, the result of this is, we keep putting our smallest children on our battlefields. Our kids grow up in the midst of divorcing parents. The last thing they need is a little more conflict surrounding them.
Now, you can say, okay, it's just a little thing. It doesn't effect you. But, it isn't. The erosion of the culture and the protection of traditions is important in this country.
Let's talk about your friends in the Bush administration. Things seem to be darker now than they might have been heretofore. How do things look to you?
And wasn't that the whole point of inviting Bill O'Reilly to make him answer for Mr. Bush's failings. Exactly what makes Bill O'Reilly responsible for George W. Bush. Did Mr. Letterman think that the usual Bush skewering would just be more fun if there was a live target?
This simplistic stuff about hating Bush, or he lied does the country no good at all. We have to win this thing even though it's a screw up, giant massive, alright. Right now, for everybody's protection, It's best for the world to have a democracy in that country, functioning and friendly to the west. Is it not?Yes, absolutely.
So let's stop with the lying and the this and the that and the undermining and 'let's get him.' That is putting us all in danger. So, our philosophy is, we call it as we see it. Sometimes you agree; sometimes you don't. Robust debate is good.
The soldiers and marines are noble.
Oh, some of them are really good guys. Some of them aren't. They're people, who we've made pawns, both in the actual war, and in the little word game between liberals and conservatives. Just as much as we should never have demonized Vietnam soldiers, let's not deify today's soldiers. Reality, ya know. Let's think, reality.
They're not terrorists. And when people call them that. Like Cindy Sheehan called the insurgents freedom fighters. We don't like that. It is a vitally important time in American history. We should all take it very seriously and be very careful with what we say.
Well, and you should be very careful with what you say also.
Give me an example. Give me an example.
How can you possibly take exception with the motivation and the position of someone like Cindy Sheehan?
Being a victim doesn't make you right or good. It doesn't even make your motivations spotless and pure. I don't really know much about Cindy Sheehan. I've known a lot of victims, though. We're people, tarnished, damaged, dirty, hurt, occasionally shining. We just are. Given too much attention, victims can become little tyrants. They're still hurting, and honestly all the attention keeps them from healing healthily. Like I say, I know almost nothing about Cindy Sheehan
This is important. This is important. Cindy Sheehan lost a son, a professional soldier in Iraq. Correct?A blog I read picked up on the words "professional soldier." He said someone had pointed out to him that the men in Iraq had signed on for the risk that they were taking. This seemed a horrible thought to him. I think he said something to the effect that those soldiers signed on assuming responsible leadership. I'd have to question that. Most of the guys I know signed on simply as a way to finance college. None of them had any illusions of responsible leadership. I mean, they knew that they were signing up to be at the mercy of politicians. I can't imagine that there's anybody left in this country who has a lot of respect or trust for politicians. They made a bet. They lost.
She has a right to grieve any way she wants, she has a right to say whatever she wants. When she says to the public that the insurgents are freedom fighters, how do you think, David Letterman, that makes people who've lost loved ones by these people blowing the hell out of them, how do you think they feel? What about their feelings, sir?
What about, why are we there in the first place?
My grandpa used to change the subject everytime he was losing.
The president, himself, less than a month ago, said we are there because of a mistake made in intelligence. Well, whose intelligence. It was just . . . Somebody got off a bus and handed it to him. No, it was the intelligence gathered by his administration. Why are we there in the first place? I agree with you that we have to support the troops. They are there. They are the best and the brightest in this country. There's no doubt about that. I also agree that now we're in it, it's going to take a long, long time. People who expect it to be solved and wrapped up in a couple of years. Unrealistic It's not going to happen. However, however that does not eliminate the legitimate speculation and concern and questioning of "Why the hell are we there to begin with?"
If you want to question that and then revamp an intelligence agency that is obviously flawed, the CIA. But remember, M16 in Britain said the same thing. Putin's people in Russia said the same thing. Mubarak's intelligence people in Egypt.
The intelligence across the board makes it alright.
I don't know whether it makes it alright or not. That's not the point. You just said that it was all our, specifically Mr. Bush's, intelligence. Now Mr. O'Reilly points out that it wasn't all just our intelligence that has the problem. But, Letterman doesn't seem to get the point. A debater he's not.
I'm very concerned about people like yourself who don't have nothing but endless sympathy for a woman like Cindy Sheehan. Honest to Christ. Honest to Christ. I just . . .Oh, goodness. #1. It's "don't have anything." Don't have nothing is a double negative if I'm not mistaken, and the very idea of a hillbilly from Arkansas correcting you on your grammar, Dave, is pretty bad. #2. When interviewing and trying to skewer a representative of the fundamentalist right, you might want to not use the Lord's name in vain.
I'm not smart enough to debate you point for point on this. But, I have the feeling that about 60% of what you say is crap, but I don't know that for a fact.
If you don't know something for a fact, isn't it responsible journalism to keep you mouth shut until you do know it. And, if you're not smart enough, then get off the air and make way for someone who is; or at least stick to talking about stuff you understand.
60% That's just a . . . I'm just spitballing.
Listen, I respect your opinion. You should respect mine. Our analysis is based on the best evidence we could get.
All that tolerance stuff only goes one way. You demand a lot of it from us, but you don't give any of it to us.
Yeah, but I don't think that fair and balanced. I don't think that you represent an objective viewpoint.
I don't think You have to give me an example if you're going to
I don't watch your show so that wouldn't be possible.
What was it I said earlier about interview skills. Dave, have you ever heard of research.
You're going to take things that you've read. Do you know what they say about you? Come on. Come on. Watch it for a half hour. You'll get addicted. You'll be a Factor Fan.I watched it for days while I was volunteering in Louisiana. It didn't really make me a fan. I agreed with a lot of what Bill said, but sometimes the far right can just get so annoying.