Sunday, September 30, 2007


I shout to You, Lord Steadfast!
Don't turn off your audio feed.
God, if I don't hear from You
I might as well die. What's the use?!?
Are you listening as I cry out for help
Do you have compassion today?
I cuddle up to your sanctuary
I grasp your light pole and won't let go.
Lord, don't settle me with the filthy?
with those who consult spirits
who dress nicely and speak sweetly
but whose inner springs are bitter
God, who am I to say repay them
My own history is filled with verbal violence
God, please teach us not to sin.
Please forgive them for their deeds.
Oh, God, heal our evil, broken land
God, for Your Son's sake, repay only those who cannot be broken
Dear God, let us all be taught as we see them punished
God, I plead for my nation
Give us a regard for Your word yet, Lord
Lord, we revere the supernatural
Teach us to praise Your name with joy and gladness
Teach us to worship You in Spirit and Truth
Lord, we are nothing
You are everything
We are a blip on the pages of history.
We have exalted our country
Forgive us for our pride
Our country is good
Use us as You will
Mold us and make us after your plan
Let us not be prideful as a country or as a people
Let us not confuse Christianity with Americanism
America was founded by pilgrims and strangers
pilgrims are ones on a pilgrimage
Lord, we have settled down and become fat and sassy
Lord, teach us to be pilgrims once again. Amen

Friday, September 14, 2007


I was just looking through some scriptures on holiness for something that I was thinking about writing when, what do ya know, something jumped out at me. Well, as anyone who reads this blog much knows, I exaggerate a little. Okay, exaggerating is something of a way of life for me. Things are rarely just what they are. That would just be so Boring. They always have to be like something else.

But, anyway.

What jumped out at me were three killer verses on cussing. So, what's the big deal about that, you say? I know people who claim that there's no prohibition in the Bible against cussing. Well, I don't have a terrible foul mouth anymore. Age helps, that and looking like a Sunday School teacher all the time. Here are some thoughts, though.

"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit." Matt. 12:33 It's not really a good witness, #1. And, #2, this verse seems to indicate that maybe it's evidence of a heart problem. I mean meaningless expletives wouldn't be a problem, but expletives that degrade the body, God's temple, seem destructive.

"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45 No explanation required.

"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:19 Everytime I open my mouth, I'm giving the world a reason to hate me or love me. Jesus tells me to be ye therefore perfect or holy or mature, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect, or holy, or mature. However you interpret Matt. 5:48, I just don't know. When I combine it with John 15:19 and all these others, the maturity or holiness or whatever just doesn't seem consistent with a potty-mouth. Would the Pharisees have been quite as threatened if Jesus had been out preaching on the hillside using filthy, adolescent language?

possibility of homosexual change

The American Psychiatric Association's website says that "[T]here is no published scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of 'reparative therapy' as a treatment to change one's sexual orientation. The potential risks of 'reparative therapy' are great, including depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior." Currently, I'm in therapy. A lot of the course of my therapy has involved depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior. Therapy is hard. Depression and anxiety are like the grinding of the therapy gears. Occasional self destructive behavior is like the sparks that hard working gears throw off. What I'm trying to say is that most if not all very involved therapy involves, I would think, depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior. Why would this be a problem? Are gay men too big a wimps to undergo therapy because it's hard? If we really respect them as people, then shouldn't we encourage them to seek what will make them better socially fitted to their surroundings? No matter how we rage, their surroundings are never likely to change all that much. It seems a kindness to encourage change.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Paige Patterson

Why does everybody in blog-land hate Paige Patterson so much? I just read this long diatribe about him on Baptist Blogger. So, he's rich! I thought that riches were right up there next to godliness in the Baptist hierarchy. I mean, so many BMWs (correction, rich-looking cars) roar past me as I walk home from Baptist events. Is it just easy to take pot-shots at a symbol of excessive wealth, while we all have our own little ungodly excesses at home that the Lord is convicting us of and we're not doing anything about?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Albert Mohler

I gotta say, my first contact with this guy was when I heard him talking about how evil shows like House and Fight Club were. I love things that make me think, so I was seriously not too crazy about this right wing nut. Well, since then, for one thing, I've just about stopped watching House.

I would have sworn that the character of Gregory House didn't start out like he is now. Mr. Mohler is right about him now, though. On the pretext of being for evolution and science and against anything resembling sentiment or selflessness, he's just become juvenile. Fight Club made me believe that following evolution to its end (not that I'd ever want to do that) meant chaos and the collapse of civilization. House has just made me believe that following evolutionary theory to its end just means a bunch of adults playing childish Lord of the Flies games.

Anyway, I've already written about all that. What really kills me is Al Mohler. He turns out to be SO COOL! Seeing as how I just did this whole bit above on atheism, I'll drop a link here to an awesome article that Mohler does on The New Atheism ( It's from last November or something, but it's totally awesome. His new blog is pretty excellent, as well. It's at Oh, man, how does he consistently find such incredible topics? Blows the mind. It makes me feel like I should just be an Al Mohler echo. Not that he's the only one that makes me feel that way. They're all over the internet, once you know where to find them. People of faith who actually have minds and vocabularies, both in working order. Oh, God bless them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Homemaking at SWBTS

C. B. Scott said: "The B.A. in Humanities with a concentration in homemaking being offered at SWBTS is a needful and timely offering."

I'm not a seminary graduate, and I suppose nobody cares what I think. But, right on, Pastor Scott!

"Saving Grace"

I just watched a couple of the filthiest scenes I've seen on TV on a show called "Saving Grace." I tuned in because of Holly Hunter, the series star. I've seen her do some awesome acting. I was excited to be able to catch her on TV, but this series . . . just didn't seem to know where it was going. Besides the fact that I got to see more of Holly Hunter than I really wanted to see in a couple of sex scenes, besides the fact that the series seemed to be trying to justify this with the name "Saving Grace" and some scenes that were totally peripheral to the plot with some grizzled angel named Earl, besides all that . . . it took too long to figure out what was going on and what the plot was going to be about. It seems crazy to accuse something that started off that fast and furious tonite with starting up too slow, but . . . perhaps the director was going for a sense of disorientation. That's certainly what he achieved.

Though it's too late to trash the name "Saving Grace," I think that "Earl" should only appear occasionally when he's going to be the focus of the show.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Close votes OK in important matters?

The big daddy weave ( referenced Don Byrd report "that the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference voted to remain affiliated with the Baptist Joint Committee. The vote was 234 (46%) to 279 (54%). I commented on big daddy's site, and I'll repeat it here: When a vote is that close, it seems like God has not made his will clear in the matter. I would think that winners and losers should agree to fast and pray with open hearts and Bibles for a month before taking another vote, so that they might better discern God's will in the matter. Then, whatever the decision is, when it is more clearly God at work, only then should action be taken one way or the other. If we have faith that God can make His will known, then maybe He will.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Fight Club?

Every time I watch Fight Club I get to the scene about God and have to reach out and talk to someone.

How do you save the too smart kids? Does God give up on them? Is God the god of kids who study things like Nietzsche in college and don't have a Baptist Student Union to keep them on the right track?

"Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell you about God?"
"No, no"
(Slaps him) "Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, He hates you. It's not the worst thing that can happen."
"It isn't?"
"We don't need Him."
"We don't! I agree!"
"Fuck damnation. Fuck redemption. We are God's unwanted children So be it."

My brother was introduced to this movie by his friend in college, who was so blown away by it that he bought it and showed it to all his friends. My brother didn't buy it but he showed it to all his friends. All this godless bull sounds so smart. How do you minister to kids who have bought into this lie? How do you reach kids who've heard it all, done it all and believe nothing? Are we ignoring "Fight Club", or do we have an answer?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mindfulness for Kids?

I was taught a little bit about mindfulness at various psychological institutions. I found it useful, so long as it was separated from its eastern religious roots. People I worked with usually didn't try twice to bring up the association with yoga or whatever. I once had a boyfriend who was a karate-instructor. He tried to teach me the value of eastern ways. That was even before I had become a Southern Baptist or gotten saved or anything. I had already begun to read my Bible all the way through, though. I wanted to know what it said before I made up my mind as to what I did or did not think about it. I had always been taught it in bits and pieces. When I read it all the way through, there were a lot of things that I hadn't known were in there.

But, anyway, now they're trying, according to the New York Times, to bring Mindfulness into the grade schools. I don't know what I think about this. Here's the article: I'm afraid that rabidly antiChristian teachers, of whom there are more than a few, are going to use this as a tool to bring Eastern religion into our schools, or simply to make our kids consider all religion of equal worth since what they're learning at school that has come from Eastern religions is definitely worth something. Mindfulness is worth learning, but Eastern religions aren't in the same boat as Christianity. How can we teach Christian children to accept Mindfulness without accepting Eastern religions as equal to Christianity? Oh, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Mindfulness, as best I can remember, is just a technique for quieting the mind. I remember closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing. There's probably more to it than that. I've been taught a lot of things, like paying very concentrated attention on my surroundings when I'm outside, smelling every smell, seeing the depth of each color instead of glossing over it all as I concentrate on my inner worries.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Megachurches protesting

I read that Dr. Richard Land is going to be all over the news media, talking about providing uninsured children access to quality healthcare and how that should be a government priority. It seems like our govt. is going broke, whereas my church seems to be quite well off. The govt. generously offers me disability and food stamps and Medicare, whereas the church is really stingy about giving its money to the local poor. My church prefers to send its money on foreign mission trips. It gives some moneys to the local poor, but not anywhere nearly as much as it spends on foreign mission trips. If Dr. Land is saying that there is a need here, I would challenge the Southern Baptist Association to have bake sales and whatever it needs to do to raise the money to meet that need, instead of loading more demands on an already overloaded govt.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Problem With Blogging

The Problem with Blogging is that I get so wrapped up in the "what to say" of having something to post that I seem to lose all capacity for original thought. Believe it or not, I did, at one time, have that ability, ya know, to think originally. I wind up referencing someone else on my blog just because I agree with them, without having any new thoughts to add. Not wanting to say nothing, I wind up saying the trite and outright stupid just to have something to say. I hate others who waste words in that way. Blogs have made too many of us try to act like things we're not. I'm not a theologian. I'm not a political commentator. I'm not a psychologist. I am simply what I am, a very bright, but emotionally disabled person.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

The sanctity of human life moves our emotions deeply.

The opposite view of human life is behind some of the blackest moments in our history.

Does denying life make you subhuman? All human beings are created in the image of God.

What does sanctity mean? Human life is separated to God. We are not simply useful matter. That philosophy has dark consequences.

It is tragic when people suffer and when people are in pain. God give us boldness to wade into the abortion debate again, though we might rather not.

He says "Let there be . . . Let there be . . . Let there be . . . animals. But, He says let Us make people. This is a trinitarian statement. We are created in the image of God, in His likeness. Both genders, male and female, share in the image of God equally.

The attack on gender is an attack on the sanctity of human life.

Attacks on human beings are attacks on God.

We were given a position of dominion. It was given to us to rule.

Children are a blessing from God. Sacred because we are blessed by God in procreation.

Remember that every encounter is significant, because we are all going to either heaven or hell.