The sanctity of human life moves our emotions deeply.
The opposite view of human life is behind some of the blackest moments in our history.
Does denying life make you subhuman? All human beings are created in the image of God.
What does sanctity mean? Human life is separated to God. We are not simply useful matter. That philosophy has dark consequences.
It is tragic when people suffer and when people are in pain. God give us boldness to wade into the abortion debate again, though we might rather not.
He says "Let there be . . . Let there be . . . Let there be . . . animals. But, He says let Us make people. This is a trinitarian statement. We are created in the image of God, in His likeness. Both genders, male and female, share in the image of God equally.
The attack on gender is an attack on the sanctity of human life.
Attacks on human beings are attacks on God.
We were given a position of dominion. It was given to us to rule.
Children are a blessing from God. Sacred because we are blessed by God in procreation.
Remember that every encounter is significant, because we are all going to either heaven or hell.