Sunday, August 26, 2007

Albert Mohler

I gotta say, my first contact with this guy was when I heard him talking about how evil shows like House and Fight Club were. I love things that make me think, so I was seriously not too crazy about this right wing nut. Well, since then, for one thing, I've just about stopped watching House.

I would have sworn that the character of Gregory House didn't start out like he is now. Mr. Mohler is right about him now, though. On the pretext of being for evolution and science and against anything resembling sentiment or selflessness, he's just become juvenile. Fight Club made me believe that following evolution to its end (not that I'd ever want to do that) meant chaos and the collapse of civilization. House has just made me believe that following evolutionary theory to its end just means a bunch of adults playing childish Lord of the Flies games.

Anyway, I've already written about all that. What really kills me is Al Mohler. He turns out to be SO COOL! Seeing as how I just did this whole bit above on atheism, I'll drop a link here to an awesome article that Mohler does on The New Atheism ( It's from last November or something, but it's totally awesome. His new blog is pretty excellent, as well. It's at Oh, man, how does he consistently find such incredible topics? Blows the mind. It makes me feel like I should just be an Al Mohler echo. Not that he's the only one that makes me feel that way. They're all over the internet, once you know where to find them. People of faith who actually have minds and vocabularies, both in working order. Oh, God bless them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Homemaking at SWBTS

C. B. Scott said: "The B.A. in Humanities with a concentration in homemaking being offered at SWBTS is a needful and timely offering."

I'm not a seminary graduate, and I suppose nobody cares what I think. But, right on, Pastor Scott!

"Saving Grace"

I just watched a couple of the filthiest scenes I've seen on TV on a show called "Saving Grace." I tuned in because of Holly Hunter, the series star. I've seen her do some awesome acting. I was excited to be able to catch her on TV, but this series . . . just didn't seem to know where it was going. Besides the fact that I got to see more of Holly Hunter than I really wanted to see in a couple of sex scenes, besides the fact that the series seemed to be trying to justify this with the name "Saving Grace" and some scenes that were totally peripheral to the plot with some grizzled angel named Earl, besides all that . . . it took too long to figure out what was going on and what the plot was going to be about. It seems crazy to accuse something that started off that fast and furious tonite with starting up too slow, but . . . perhaps the director was going for a sense of disorientation. That's certainly what he achieved.

Though it's too late to trash the name "Saving Grace," I think that "Earl" should only appear occasionally when he's going to be the focus of the show.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Close votes OK in important matters?

The big daddy weave ( referenced Don Byrd report "that the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference voted to remain affiliated with the Baptist Joint Committee. The vote was 234 (46%) to 279 (54%). I commented on big daddy's site, and I'll repeat it here: When a vote is that close, it seems like God has not made his will clear in the matter. I would think that winners and losers should agree to fast and pray with open hearts and Bibles for a month before taking another vote, so that they might better discern God's will in the matter. Then, whatever the decision is, when it is more clearly God at work, only then should action be taken one way or the other. If we have faith that God can make His will known, then maybe He will.