Friday, March 17, 2006

Creative Potential

Over at, at the bottom of a post called "Home Repair," there's a statement that I like. "After God created the world, He rested. He didn't stop." That's a neat thought. I like that. "After God created the world, He rested. He didn't stop." Did he keep creating more original stuff? I've wondered. Everybody asks this question, as though it proves there must be extraterrestrial life, "How could there be that much stuff in the sky above us and no life on any of it?" I've always wondered if He takes the time when He can't stand to look at sin and goes and makes a lifeless galaxy or two. What does He do with His creative potential? Re-create us seems the obvious answer. I'm not sure about that, though. I don't see a lot of re-creation going on around here these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to my otherwise abandoned blog! Unfortunately, God does not seem to be creating blog entries for me. I guess he has left some stuff up to us. But I sincerely believe God creates in us and through us if we are willing.